Some years back, baby showers were intended as a way of celebrating an imminent birth. It used to allow other women to share their wisdom and lessons on art of becoming a mom. Nowadays, baby showers have become somewhat different. The modern baby shower parties have become a co-ed affair. Moreover, the emphasis is more on the child’s mother rather than the little one who is going to see the world in a few days to come.
If you attend a baby shower party, you will find a never-ending assortment of shower-themed foods. In fact, the occasion always calls for great food along with a punch. I remember attending a few parties where I saw a ducky bath baby shower punch and baby carriages made with boiled eggs and baby carrots. They were so simple but very much adorable. There was also a bassinet made up of green vegetables and salads. I have actually seen enough rubber ducky, baby carriage, rattle and baby-inspired foods.
Oh! How can I forget the baby showers cakes in Brisbane!! The one’s that were made keeper the design of diaper in mind. And when I saw the edible cake that had the design of the stomach of the pregnant woman having the little impression of baby foot, I really didn’t feel like wanting it to be cut or eating it.
And the baby shower game? I really enjoy them especially the guessing games like guess the baby food, nursery rhyme lyrics and baby bag mystery. When I attended a baby shower party of my niece, I participated in the games and for some time I forgot that I was nearing my 40’s actually!! However, one game which has smeared chocolate in diapers is the only game that I didn’t like. That’s not my idea of fun. Keeping this apart, I enjoyed every bit of the party.
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